Useful Elements

Argu Useful Elements

[argu_breadcrumbs bread_position=”bred_center” bread_home_title=”ARGU Studio” bread_color=”#ffffff”]

360° Kitchen preview

360 Panorama Photo Sphere is a filter that allows you to display 360×180 degree panoramas. You can now take a full-on immersive 360 degree tour of your projects!

[argu_before_after upbefore=”2777″ upafter=”2776″]

Kitchen Before / After slider

The before after slider element allows you to display the before and after versions of an image by simply sliding over them. Very useful for kitchen remodeling projects!

[argu_separator sepopt=”shape” sepshape=”tiltl” shapecol=”#ffffff” shapecolb=”#f2f2f2″]

The Image with Hotspots

The Image with Hotspots allows you to place either a fullwidth or content size image on the screen that has various hotspots (any number possible) which will be shown once the image scrolls into the browser viewport.

[argu_hotspot ht_image=”2777″ hotspot_data=”%5B%7B%22index%22%3A2%2C%22x%22%3A21.630586592178773%2C%22y%22%3A51.324503311258276%2C%22Title%22%3A%22Tooltip%20title%22%2C%22Message%22%3A%22Tooltip%20content%20goes%20here%22%7D%2C%7B%22index%22%3A3%2C%22x%22%3A58.50209497206704%2C%22y%22%3A28.14569536423841%2C%22Title%22%3A%22Tooltip%20title%22%2C%22Message%22%3A%22Tooltip%20content%20goes%20here%22%7D%2C%7B%22index%22%3A4%2C%22x%22%3A90.53189013035382%2C%22y%22%3A78.1456953642384%2C%22Title%22%3A%22Tooltip%20title%22%2C%22Message%22%3A%22Tooltip%20content%20goes%20here%22%7D%5D”]
[argu_separator sepopt=”shape” sepshape=”tiltl” shapecol=”#f2f2f2″ shapecolb=”#ffffff”]
[argu_videopop up_video_url=”″ up_video_img=”2777″ up_video_lat=”Argu”]

Kitchen Video presentation

Video Popup element lets you add a responsive YouTube or Vimeo video lightbox popup to any page or post of your website.

[argu_separator sepopt=”shape” sepshape=”tiltl” shapecol=”#ffffff” shapecolb=”#f2f2f2″]

Virtual Reality presentations

360 Panorama Video element allows you to display 360 video on wordpress pages, posts, etc. Website visitors will be able to navigate through your panoramas. Smartphone users can use Google cardboard to look through in Virtual reality way.

[videopanoramavc vp_mark=”videopan_3″ vp_video=”″ vp_video_bg=”2790″]